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"Hermaphrodite (I-II c. A.D.)" (see details) (see related A | B | C | D | E | F), 150 Uffizi Gallery, Florence, Tuscany, Italy

Woman like sleeping figure, but please see detailed images to appreciate the duality of the sexual morphology - developed feminine breasts, a scrotum, and a penis that probably is too small (micro-penis). This statue was designed to be viewed from the back and from the front to appreciate the femininity of the back and the masculinity of the front. Apparently, there are 7 copies of the original Greek version - please see related images and one magnificent alternative version. My personal view is that the presence of descended gonads represent testicles, which implies the existence of an 46, XY chromosome complement. 

Hermaphroditus was a child of Hermes and Aphrodite - a nymph Salmacis was so charmed that she embraced him so intensely and pleaded so strongly with the gods that she was granted her wish for their bodies to be combined into one - thus Hermaphroditus and Salmacis became one, bisexual or the only true fully hermaphroditic body - among mortals all hermaphrodites are "partial" or pseudo-hermaphrodites - implying they are "more" underdeveloped males or "masculinized" females - this is because the sex-prototype of the human is more "female" like, and the sex-prototype of the male reflects further morphologic development (descent of the gonads outside from the excessively worm intra-abdominal site to the scrotum and the growth of the clitoris into a penis). In some instances, the "female" elements over-develop (feminization - e.g. enlarged breasts or gynecomastia) in otherwise male like bodies - alternatively, in some feminine patients the male elements over-develop (masculinization or androgenization - enlargement of the clitoris, body hair, etc.)

Medicine - ambiguous sex noted at birth is an EMERGENCY - it must be addressed expertly and promptly - please see information in the companion site "Clinical Eye Openers", "IBIS", or other sources. One practical immediate advice to parents of infants with ambiguous genitals is to assign them "neutral", appropriate for males or females, first names - such is sufficient to minimize social circumstances and responses to questions - is it a boy? a girl? ... 

Please see further comments in core image.

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