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Milk Breast Mammary Mammal Serum Lactose

We have SQUEEZED, DRAINED, DRAWN, and  MILKED quite a lot from the illustrated overview concerned with MAST, MASTER, and BREAST or MAMMARY gland. It is logical now to focus on MILK, and therefore on GALACTIC related ideas.

MILK, or MULGERE in Latin, implies "that which can be drained" and also points to EMULSION, in the sense that it represents an unstable dispersion of quite FATTY particles which are suspended in a liquid or, in this instance, a SERUM. When milk separates and its serum is drained, the solid component is CASEIN, from which CHEESES are made.
Gods were fed goat milk with honey.
MILK is an essential NUTRIENT needed to NURTURE human NATURE. MILK is also at the core of NURSING. It is true that all MAMMALS rely on the MAMMARY gland. However, some humans cannot metabolize or digest milk sugars such as LACTOSE and GALACTOSE.

The fundamental importance of milk for human existence is self evident and probably it is the reason why words for MILK in Latin, old English, Ukrainian, or German are quite similar - MULGERE, MEOLOC, MOLOKO, and MILCH.

In Greek, milk is GALACTIA, from which a much more complicated GALAXY of terms arises. Some are obviously related and others are more remote. Of note are GAIETY, GALA,  and GALACTIC, which have to do with ideas found in LIGHT, WHITE, BRIGHT, DELIGHT, GLADNESS, FESTIVITY and REJOICING, as the mythic GALATHEA tried to do.
The milk of Juno forms the Galactic Way.
Humans have been AMAZED not only by AMAZONS but by the DAZZLING beauty of the galaxies of the GALACTIC or LACTIC way. Some say that Juno, when she tried to nurse Hercules, spilt her breast milk, from which arose the GALACTIC path traveled by the Olympic Gods. Others say that the GALACTIC path is the trail left by PHAETON. In India, the Gods stirred an Ocean of Milk, from which a torrent of milk formed the GALACTIC way and descended on the head of Shiva to become the Ganges river.
Churning the ocean of Milk formed the Lactic Way and created the World.
(The phallic like "churning" is self evident.)
GALATHEA, according to the ancients, was the daughter of Nereus and Doris. GALATHEA loved Acis but was promised to Polythemus, the CYCLOPS. Polythemus crushed Acis, and Galathea was metamorphosed into a weasel. Names of organisms inclusive of GALA, as in GALActia, GALAtheascus, GALAthula, convey ideas pointing to  "milk-white".
Democritus was always glad.
GALAXIA was an ancient feast where participants ate barley cooked in milk. It was Democritus who, in 460 BC, correctly proposed that the VIA LACTEA or MILKy way was a collection of barely visible stars.  Aristotle added that GALAxies included luminous vapors.
Aristotle invented biology.
GALEN is the a name given to an outstanding physician from Pergamon who was drafted to serve the Roman Emperor Marcus Aurelius. GALEN is also a name that emphasizes WHITE as do CANDOR and CANDIDATE. In Spanish, GALENO means physician and medicine has adopted the white color as its emblem. In fact, the Hippocratic oath demands CANDOR from physicians. However, as commercialized medicine invades industrialized societies, some physicians may not be CANDID and behave more like political mercenary CANDIDATES do. Perhaps, this is one reason why, in corporate medicine, the prevalence of physicians using white garbs is dwindling.
Galactorrhea without pregnancy is rare.
MILK contains LACTOSE, a disaccharide, meaning that it consists of two sugars which, when mixed with water, become hydrolyzed into GALACTOSE and GLUCOSE. It is unfortunate that some infants can not digest GALACTOSE because they suffer from a metabolic disorder called GALACTOSEMIA. The disorder can result from at least three different gene mutations. The classic type causes severe effects which can be fatal in the neonatal period.

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