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Clinic Clinoid Clinodactyly Decline Incline

Climax Climb

Kyphosis Scoliosis Scolex Clinodactyly Camptomelic Camptodactyly Compotactyly

In another overview exploring ideas inherent in HIP and THIGH, the point was made to the difficulty to succinctly convey  the essence of such "simple" words. The fact that HIP points to HYPE, HIPSTER and HIPPIE did not clarify the origin of such ideas either. The chosen solution was to divide the subject in serveral overviews. Here, the focus mostly on HIP and THIGH as part of  a mechanical mechanism allowing biPED or biPODAL humans ti AMBULate - those who can not do so, may need an AMBULance.  As  HIPS and THIGHS become FEMINIZED, their CURVATIOUS morphology becomes an emblem of FEMININITY.
Genes Generate Gender Genesis.
CURVaceous and CURVe implies bending. With aging, humans deCLINE and as they become BENT by age, some may have to reCLINE and others be in bed as those found in CLINICS. The term CLINIC points to KLINein, KLINicos and CLINOID, which in Greek convey notions related to bed giving rise to the medical term CLINIOD or CLINODACTYLY presented later.
ReCLINing patients need CLINical Services. 
Note that CLINICAL practice should but no longer implies "bed-side Medicine".
Bed, cot and litter have to do with drop, fall, delivery, birth, sleep, death and more. 
It is also true that modern CLINicians, for the most part, are not inCLINed to follow the prescriptions of Esculapius and other ancients, stressing regimes of repose or rest and slumber or sleep as CURative regimes. Patients who rest and sleep can better CLImb toward the CLIMAX or recovered HEALTH.  For anglophones, a "spa" means a spot or establishement with  "medicinal or mineral springs" - in Slavic, "spa" is a CURord - a place for rest and sleep. Put in another way, "Curords" cater to heal or cure health in contrast to modern "Clinics" which focus on the CURe of diseases without major attention to the CLIMate needed to enhance health through rest and sleep.
Many believe that, as JOVe and Juno did, Sleep reJUVenates  
Already mentioned above is the impact of time on bending - a sign of old age and encapsulated by the old adage

"Time and Gods bend".

With aging, many body functions deCLINE and joints, in particular the spine, may become bent - a forward and lateral spinal bendings are generally known as KYPHOSIS and SCOLiosis. Lateral bending of digits are generally called SCOLIOSIS. The roots are from SCOLEX for TWISTed in Greek. SCOLEX is also the name of "twisted tapeworms".
Mild kyphosis and lordosis (upper trunk and lower back spinal bending). 
A joint or articulation that is rigid can be described as ANKYLOsis, a word used to denote ANCHOr like or being stiff or "achored". This is the sense in ANKYLOstoma, the name of a nematode with a hook like bent stoma or mouth used by this parasite as a hook to anchor itself to the human intestine. From Greek KAMPE or KAMPA for curve or bend, medical parlance coined CAMPTO, CAMPO and CLINO which are virtually synonymous and describe bent, stiff and deviated joints.
HUNCHbacks often are dwarfed or have CLINical disorders that inCLINE them to have SCOLiosis or other
abnormal spinal curvatures.
Finally, it is also important that CLINICal suspicions be aroused by any unusual body CURVAtures. Few "bending" disorders cause such obvious twists and bends of the skeleton as does CAMPTOMELIC skeletal dysplasia. Other examples are spinal bends that HUMP or CLINOdactylous digits should trigger a CLINical HUNCH that signal or are signs of serious conditions, such as tuberculosis or perhaps Neurofibromatosis or Down syndrome.
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