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Rubella Roseola Rose Red

Color Colorado

Some poets stress that ROSES are RED but in Spanish a ROSA means ROSADO or pink. RED in Latin is RUBOR as in RUBRIC which, in modern times, refers to "red lable". RED, in Greek is RHODO and is found in such words like RHODES, RHODOPE and RHODOPSIN. On the island of RHODOs stood a colossus that was one of the seven wonders of the ancient world. RHODOpe refers to the red mountainous region where ORPHEUS found peace. RHODOPSIN is the photosensitive layer of the retina of the eye. ROSAceous or ROSACEA refers to a condition manifesting in older men as excessively ROSY noses. The ROSAcea process may evolve into RHINOPHYMA, from rhino for nose and phyma for growth. ROSAcea is a chronic skin irritation that may induce skin growth and thickening mostly on the nose and cheeks.
In older men, Rosacea induces Rhinophyma
ROSEOLA is a "measles like" transient skin rash also known as erythema  subitum. Another similar rash is caused by RUBELLA, or German measles described below.

RUBEOLA and RUBELLA refer to two "measles like" red rashes or exanthemas. Rubeola is rather a benign infection as is RUBELLA with the exception being when it infects the fetus of a pregnant woman. Rubella is a major TERATOGEN because it can seriously damage the unborn by causing malformations and developmental deficits described as Rubella embryopathy or fetopathy.

In Spanish, tint, color, stain and the color red are denoted by the same word "COLORado" as in "Coloratura". When red is mixed with bluish overtones, the coloration is referred to as PURPLE, as in PURPURA, a tint akin to blood red bluish stains that develop after bleeding under the skin. Many would say that PURPLE is alike to VIOLET and that VIOLEnce is a common cause for VIOLEt bruises.
Cardinal sins
"CARDENAL" in Spanish means three things: bruise; a Prince of the Roman Catholic Church; as well as a fundamental factor or principle. Bruise in Spanish is also called "moreton", a reference to the "moorish" or mulberry like tint characteristic of resolving skin "CARDENALes" or bruises. Regarding Roman CARDINALs, they display their rank by wearing PURPLE or CARMIN red or VIOLET robes to show that they belong to the College of Cardinals or "Purpurate" and that they are the ones who elect Roman Popes. Please also note TINT and TINTA or ink in Spanish.

Cardinal sins can taint consciences with a dark tint
After Karl Marx, "Purpur" or Purple Roman Cardinals have had competition from "RED" cardinals, namely communist leaders. After the Bolsheviks sequestered the RED flag away from anarchists, RED became the emblem of the USSR and others who dream of bloody world wide revolutions. After the USSR imploded, many former "Reds" are now seen as cardinal advocates of Russian imperialism.
Roman Cardinal
Red Banner

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