

"Charity" (see related A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H), 1743 Francesco de Mura (1696-1782) Art Institute, Chicago, IL, USA

Unfortunately, humans are not an emblem of charity, regardless of what Christians may wish. The European classic recognise the pelican and related species as the emblem of charity (when stressed, these mother-birds feed their offspring with their blood). Herein Francesco de Mura shows this emblem. Commercial "social" media do not. Instead, the "social-media-commerce" promotes advertisements and shows emblems that their "customers" already prefer.  You may use a popular internet browser and see what emblems of charity you will find. 

Mothering is more than being a "birth-mother". In this instance, it is obvious that this woman is the mother of more infants than she gave birth to. Furthermore, being a mother, although mostly, does not necessarily relate to family. 

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