
Advertising Policies

  • All ads must be submitted electronically as jpegs in the dimensions specified by the website.
  • If the advertiser does not have an ad already, they may work with us to have one created for an additional fee.
    • Ad creation fee is based on size and complexity of the ad.
    • Base fee is $25.00
    • Fee will not exceed $75.00
    • Ad creation fee is due before the ad can run.
  • The ads must not contain material deemed illegal or inappropriate by the webmasters.
  • Price will be set upon the issuing of a quote to the advertiser, not upon the request for a quote by said advertiser.
  • Emails for quotes will be addressed daily to ensure that the price does not change much from the time the request is sent to the time that the quote is issued.
  • Price will be locked in place as soon the quote is issued.
  • Advertiser has a period of two weeks to respond before the quote expires and a new quote must be requested.
  • All charges must be paid before the ad runs.
  • If advertisers renew their ads before the expiration date, they will keep their original price.
  • There is no additional fee for renewal, but all regular charges still apply and must be paid before the expiration of the current ad.
  • If an ad is allowed to expire without renewal, the advertiser must request a new quote before their ad can be reposted.

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