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Cell Celom Coelom Cele Omphalocele Celestial

Omphalon Umbillicus

The terms YOLK - YOKE open medical and humanistic landscapes. Yolk, as an idea, points toward a fetus yoked or tethered to the mother by an umbilical cord. The evolution of yolk toward OMPHALOS and the umbilical cord also has to do with the depressed spot of an umbilicated scar called "belly button" or "navel". It suffices to say that the "navel" or "omphalos" marks the spot of mooring or anchoring of the fetus to the umbilical cord which at the other end is connected with the  placenta attached to the uterus. Omphalos implies "center". In this instance, it represents the convergence point of the embryonal folding from a flat embryonal disc growing to become an enveloping COELOM or cavity, the future thorax and abdomen.  A more general view of YOKE is illuminated by ideas inherent in YOGA or JUGUM, which in Sanskrit and Latin imply "to join", thus to restrict. This sense is further stressed in the Spanish term con"yuge" for spouse which implies someone who became restricted or  "yoked" by marital vows.


Yoga and the master yoga represented by SHIVA convey synthetic views of the mystery of "energy engendering individual forms of life". Traditions hold that Yoga was a philosopher of the 7th century B.C. who established principles to grasp how "the mind works". The  "yoga" practice seeks a total mental and physical discipline or Nirvana to isolate the mind from material  and psychic stimuli so that it can concentrate on achieving communion or unity with its creator or the supreme deity.

Shiva as Yoga

Some would say that originally, yoga had to do with a method or discipline developed by sages or yogi to reach a mental state "by which the mind knows". Later, yoga became a philosophy seeking "the ultimate synthesis" to help human creatures to reach for their creator. Put in another way, yoga is a discipline that may help a seeker to become "yoked" or linked with the "supreme spirit".

LINGA SHIVA is one representation of Shiva, represented as an erect penis or Linga filled with unspent seed. The Lord or YOGIS controls or YOKES the appetites for YONI (vulva). Traditions hold that the many children of Shiva were generated without seed or sperm, thus represent  examples of  immaculate conceptions.

Linga Shiva (Phallic)
Shiva with his lover and spouse
Pravati on their "vehi"cle or "Vaha"na
Christians know of the famous verse by Isaiah ... Behold, a "parthenos" shall conceive and bear a son ... ("parthenos" in Greek means "maiden or young woman who are presumed to be virginal). Apparently, early Christians who translated Greek into Aramaic chose to solely stress the idea  "virgin". In fact, most Christians who follow the Vatican, do not realize that  the dogma of the immaculate conception was adopted rather recently by the controversial Pope Pius IX (see legend below and the P.S.). 
Annunciation - Immaculate Conception
Pope Pius IX declared immaculate conception a matter of faith and himself to be infallible. (see P.S.)
Some Europeans reduce Yoga philosophy to the practice of a type of gymnastics or Asana stressing special body positions to facilitate spiritual meditation. However, there are many deeper facets to yoga found across the globe. For example, Niyama or being vegetarian and avoiding "gula" or glotony is one of the tenets of Yoga. Other tenets include: eating in moderation and filling only "half a stomach" as one path to good health; Yama or purity of life by avoiding lying, adultery and other sins, thus avoiding stress; Asana or adopting enduring body postures that ease mental concentration or gaining sufficient muscle tone to enhance mental fitness; Pranayama or calm breathing that fosters imperturbability or "relaxing" by "tuning out" noise and other sorts of "hype"; Dharana or total concentration on a visible point to evolve inot a focus on Godly matters by escaping the impact of "noise"; Dhyana or willful "stream of thoughts" as proposed by current advocates of "upbeat" or "positive thinking"; and Samadhy or emptiness until its culmination in Shunyata or release from "ego" to reach "openness" or admission of God or the "ultimate synthesis" which represents what "life is all about".
Five Celestial Yogi Sages
The Dance of Life and Death

Shiva, the MASTER YOGI and Lord of the "timeless dance of life" stands for the cirlce of "Life-Death" or "creation-destruction"  depicted as a dance within a ring of fire while crushing ignorance (represented by a dwarf underfoot) and beating a drum (the rythm of life cycles) while with multiple hands (destinies) may sooth or  harm the mortals.  

A more mundane and medical  landspcape arises from CELOM or COELOMA and related ideas in cavities and spaces like a CELL, CELOZOID, CENOBIUM and CELESTIAL. It is tempting to hope that monasteries with cenobia for celibates fostered celestial inspirations. Perhaps a more realistic panorama, as painted by fine artists, links cenobia with orgies, at least those who let celibate monks feed their celomic cavities to an excess and acquire large abdominal bags of abducted foods.         

===== P.S.  It was Giovanni Maria Mastai Ferreti, as Pope Pius IX, who rejected the emerging labor movements and rebelions against raw capitlaism. He decreed the immaculate conception of Jesus, a matter of faith without much consultation with Bishops, as it is customary in matters of dogma. Being strong headed, he resented the rejection by Mexico of Maximilian as their Emperor imposed by the Vatican and France. In revenge, Pius IX excommunicated all Mexicans who dared to uphold their adopted constitution. After the 1870 defeat of Napoleon III by Bismark, the protection of the Vatican by French troops eneded forcing Pius IX to surrender his temporal powers to the nascent Italian Republic. His reaction was to declare that the Papacy (he) was infallible in matters of Church. Only after Benito Mussolini restored the Papacy, Popes were freed and could roam the world. Since then, the Vatican managed to become the only autocratic religious organization to be represented in the United Nations.

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