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Shkira Piel Dermis Dermatology Cutaneous Cutis

Pelt Hide Hair Hairy Hirsute Hirsutims

Fur Futro Fourier

Skinning Marsyas for his impertinence
SKIN, CUTANEOUS and DERMIS as well as HAIR, FUR, PELT, FLEECE and HIDE have closely connected meanings.
Apollo won, Marsyas got skinned
SKIN, SHKIRA or PIEL in Ukrainian and Spanish, implies that it can be PEELED and that it can be PILOSE or hairy or covered by PELOS, Spanish for HAIR. The structure of HAIR is like a PILe, PILL or PILi. The degree of PILosity of the skin or FURs reflects hair density.
Heros believed in magic pelts
The skin is an exterior body MEMBrane. As an ORGanized structure, the skin belongs in the MEMbership of ORGans. The skin has two sorts of layers, an outer layer or epiDERMIS which in contrast to the DERMIS, lacks connective and vascular tissue components and the DERMis, which lacks epiTHELial cells found in the epidermis. The skin epidermal cells derive from the embryonal ECTOderm, from ECTO for exterior and DERM, which in Greek is skin. EpiTHELium or endoTHELium is from Greek "tiTHENai" for "to put on, to place or to set", the same root is found in terms like THEME. Note polyTHELia for humans with more than two NIPPLES (here to THEL implies "on top", in this instance mammary glands). DERMis in Greek as in Spanish PIEL is used in the broadest sense to include FUR, PELT, PEEL, HIDE and LEATHER.
Perfect cutis
The conTEXT of TEGUment is comPLEX since it relates to TECH as in TECHnology as well as TEXTile. In any case TEGUment relates to TEGEre, Latin for COVER as in TEXAs, TEJAs, and TEJA which in Spanish means TILE, particularly those used to COVER roofs. Provocatively in Ukrainian DAKH is roof and DACHshund is the name we use for a hound dog prone to dig and seek COVER. As pets, DACHshunds like to sleep covered. Biologists and physicians may note that DACHshunds are covered by a loose skin that may remind them of patients with CUTIS LAXA.

DERMatology is the medical discipline dealing with CUTneous disorders. CUTis in Spanish is SKIN as is the CUTicle of the nail. CUTis marmorata or marble like skin is a sign seen in Down syndrome. Other CUTaneous signs can also suggest a diagnosis, notably skin or CUTaneous spots alike to "cafe au lait" for "coffee with milk" are typical of some forms of Neurofibromatosis.
Lax skin or Cutis Laxa
DERMatolglyphics is a subject of another overview and refers to the scientific discipline dedicated to the study of skin glyphs, carvings or grooves found on the VOLAR or special type of highly sensory skin used for grasping. Several species of mammals have characteristic toes, digital tips, palms, souls, and tails.  Dermatoglyphic patterns fascinate humans to the extent that some fortunetellers truly believe that chyromancy or the study of hand features has validity in contrast to most who are charlatans seeking to profit from human superstitions.

Palmistry evolved into Dermatoglyphics
Dr. H. Cummins, forged the term Dermatoglyphics and found that in Down syndrome, the dermatoglyphic patterns were quite specific. Cummins correctly predicted that Down Syndrome was due to a single genetic cause. Only 20 years later, medical experts accepted the prediction by Cummins when J. Lejeune showed that an extra chromosome 21 was the cause of the Syndrome.
Skin wrinkles
Also in the interest of brevity and to avoid being PELTed, I am aware that "to SKIN" this subject, requires being "skimpy". Issues of "SKIRt" are addressed in another overview dealing with FUR, FURy, FERRET. The sequence of  FUR, FURticious,  FURious,  FURy is illustrated by gathering FURs by PELTing to death newborn seals who are unable to FLEE to save their FLEEce. There also are many MERCenary MERChants who, as did MERCury, cheat, lie and SKIRT laws. The trade in HIDes of endangered species is often HIDden and buying such FURs is mostly FURtive. Such an environment fosters dishonesty and attracts dishonest BOLD MERChants who often FLEECE customers by selling a fake FLEECE, including some with BALD spots.
Humans pelt animals to death and use their pelts as furs to trim garments
Experts propose that BALD and BOLD are unrelated, but it is obvious that a BALD man stands out just the same as those who are BOLD. Such similarities as the implications in BOLD, BALD, FLEECE for fur and cheat, PELT for fur and to beat animals to death to harvest their pelts, to "SKIN" or FLEECE to imply cheating, FURTIVE to denote "to HIDE" and the fact that FURs were among the earliest FURnishings of mankind imply that this sort of linked ideas are unlikely to be accidental. It is reasonable to hold that while the words sound and structure are ephemeral, the ideas they convey, many framed in ancient times, tend to  endure across generations and cultures.
Skinny boys like skinny dipping

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