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~ BEAUTY id+ | points to BLESS BLESSED and FALSELY TO "GOOD" | note a relation with see> ESTHETIC and BEATIFIC BEATITUDE BEATRIX BEATRIZ gr KALLOS = BEAUTY - GOOD-LOOKING eng CALLIGRAPHY CALLISTHENICS see> CALLIPYGE see> myth VENUS see> myth APHRODITE CALLIPYGE lat BELLUS = HANDSOME BONUS GOOD BEARE or BEATUM BLESSED as in BEATIFIC med> BELLADONA implies BELLA DONNA EXTRACT of the plant ATROPA contain ATROPINE WOMEN USED ATROPA drops to paralyze their eye pupils large eye pupils were considered an attribute of a BELLADONNA present use is to paralize eye pupils to facilitate eye "fundus" or "rear" examinations med> VICTIMS INTOXICATED BY BELLADONA or ATROPINE are poetically described as CRAZY AS A GOAT RED LIKE A BEET DRY LIKE A LEAF biol> note BEAUTY is NOT linked to GOODNESS nor ETHICS however BEAUTY IS LINKED WITH SEX thus PROCREATION hx> PURITANISM in particular THE "VICTORIAN" ANGLO-SAXON variety prevented CHARLES DARWIN from fully sharing his notions of the impact of "MATE CHOICE" which is NOT RANDOM but linked with BEAUTY or ETHETICS which does impact BIOLOGY and EVOLUTION see> EXTHETICS sug> "The Evolution of Beauty" by Richard O. Prum note this website includes over 140 entries related to "beauty" see> CALLIPYGE 20230726 ww |