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"Conjoined Twins Woodcut" (details from "Nuremberg Chronicle Woodcuts") (see related A | B | C), 1487 Michael Walgemut (or Wolgemut) Nuremberg, Germany
The above is a detail of one of many woodcuts illustrating the Nuremberg Chronicle printed in 1493 in Nuremberg as "Liber Chronicorum" that speaks of the Creation, the Deluge, and subsequent events. The publisher and printer was Anton Koberger, the godfather of Albrecht Durer. Koberger had printing presses in Nurember, Lyon, Budapest and other locations. The woodcuts are by the workshop of Michael Walgemut and his stepson Wilhelm Pleydenwurff made in 1487-1478.
Conjoined twins is a rare birth defect - except in the Chornobyl polluted Polissia region of Rivne Province in Ukraine (Chernobyl is a Russified variant name), an observation calling for further investigation. For some, this is a fulfilled Biblical omen (see this picture in full - link given above). Note companion pages with "tips" concerning the subject.
Clinical "Eye Openers" gallery
Roots of "pagus" et al. as in thoraco-pagus.
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